The winner of this challenging quiz will win the title of 'Winsham Brain Box 2021, a title that will not be easy to win.. Research among the Parish Web sites will provide or give clues to many of the answers. In doing this many interesting aspects of life in Winsham over the years will be revealed. The questions are divided into seven sections, for your convenience, all of which should be attempted.
The Quiz questions can only be viewed from this web page. Your answers need to be listed on the Answer Sheet Form  that you can download by Clicking HERE.
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Shop , Businesses & Farming

1.       Who was Winsham’s first Postmaster?

2.       Who was the first Chairman of Winsham Shop Ltd when it became ‘village owned’?

3.       When did the electric telegraph first come to Winsham?

4.       Winsham had four pubs in 1900; what were their names? 

5.       What second-hand car business was opened in 1969?

6.       Where was 5. above located?

7.       Which Winsham company operates where the firm L.E.Churchill-Motor & General Engineers  was  located?

8.       Who owned Hey Farm at the turn of the Millennium?

9.       In what did year did Winsham Shop first provide an on-line shopping facility?

School, Church & Chapel

1.       Which Vicar of Winsham is missing from the list of Incumbents?

2.       In what year was the United Reformed Church built?

3.       Who was the longest serving Head Teacher at Winsham School?

4.       When was compulsory elementary education introduced to Winsham School?

5.       Who is commemorated in the Lych gate at the entrance to St. Stephen’s?

6.A popular figure; Who?


Winsham Parish Council

1.       Who was the longest serving Parish Clerk?

2.       In what year were the Parish Council Minutes first typed rather than being hand-written?

3.       In what year did the Parish Council become responsible for the Jubilee Hall?

4.       In what year did the Parish Council  reject the proposal that the Jubilee Hall should have a billiard table?

5.       What was the response to the decision in 4 above?

6.       Who was Winsham’s longest serving Chairman of the Parish Council? 

7.       How many years did 6. Above serve?

The local Estates, Jubilee Hall, buildings and structures

1.       When was the War Memorial unveiled?

2.       Where did the Band Hut-Winsham Parish Resource Centre-come from?

3.       When was the building of Leigh House completed? 

4.       Where is the Winsham Millennium Time capsule to be found?

5.       Who murdered a monk from Forde Abbey?

6.       Who purchased the Cricket St Thomas Estate in 1775?

7.       Which family has owned Forde Abbey since the 1860s?

8.       In what year did the Parish Council cease to have responsibility for the Jubilee Hall?

9.       What Jubilee is celebrated in the name of the Jubilee Hall?

10.   What other Royal Jubilee is celebrated at the Jubilee Hall?

11.   What is the name of the family who lived at Leigh House for 300 years?

12.   Which famous estate did the family in 11 above sell to Queen Victoria?

13.   In what year did the Parish Council become responsible for the Jubilee Hall?

14.   What was the name of the last abbot of Forde Abbey?

15.   To which monastic order did Forde Abbey belong before the reformation?



Winsham at Play, the Winsham Players, and Winsham people

Greenwood Tree
 1.Where is this scene from the 2005 production
 of ‘Under the Greenwood Tree’ located?

.What was the Theme and date of the Winsham Street Fair at which this float appeared?
2.      When was Winsham United F.C. formed?  4.Who is the present Chairman of Winsham United F.C?


5.What event would this be? 
Where was this scene from the Miller’s Tale played?
6.Who Produced Canterbury Tales in 1998?  












8.Where was this?  


9.    Identify this happy group?

10.     When Was Winsham Art Club formed?

11.      Who started Winsham Art Club?

12.      What was the name of this Pantomime?

13.      Re 12 above-What year was it produced?

14.        Re 12above-Who Produced and Directed the Pantomime?

15.What was the name and  significance of this event?


Flora and Fauna, and ‘Where is this?’

1.       Name these popular butterflies  found regularly in Winsham

2.       What are the names of these two Winsham characters?

3.Where is this?  

4.Where is this?  

5.  Where was this photograph taken?


DINGBATS-the final section of the Quiz.

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Each of the boxes represents a common expression. Just say what you see.

This section is not Winsham related. Enter you answers in the spaces indicated.






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